Faith Formation at Friends Church

Sunday School
Children's Classes
Our Sunday School classes meet at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings and use the "Feasting on the Word" curriculum.
Click here to learn more about our Children's Sunday School classes!

Social Justice
Adult Class
The Social Justice Class meets on Sundays at 10:00 am in the office’s conference room. This
adult class examines how Christians of conscience can respond to the hurts and challenges of
today, and aims to explore how spiritual beliefs inform our daily life and our interactions with the
Class discussion is wide-ranging, but we try to keep these questions in mind:
Where is God in this?
What is the social justice issue?
What is the biblical element/answer?
What is an action plan to address these challenges?
For more information about what the class is currently studying, please contact:

Morning Manna
Adult Class
The Morning Manna adult class meets in the room at the end of the kitchen-side hallway at
10:00 am on Sundays. This class offers scripture-based and lectionary-based Bible studies and
engages in wide-ranging discussions, deepening our understanding of how our still-speaking
God can help us respond to today’s issues.
Classes are facilitated by ministers and class
members on a rotating basis.
For more information about what the class is currently studying, please contact