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Welcome Home

Pastor Trent

You who live in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust.”

–Psalm 91:1-2



John and I are in the midst of moving to a new house, and suffice it to say it’s a hectic time in our household right now. We’re in the midst of packing boxes and loading up our cars to make runs between places, as well as sorting through closets and drawers and storage, trying to decide what to take with us and what to get rid of; and of course all the details like transferring utilities and changing our addresses with banks, the post office, and various accounts.


We’re fortunate that the new place is very nearby, and we have a few weeks of overlap to ease the transition. Still, I’m amazed at how much there is to do and how much our belongings and effects have seemingly expanded since we moved everything to Texas seven years ago. It’s so easy to become complacent and think that “I’ll get to that closet or drawer another day.” Now, though, the urgency has set in and we have to get things ready for the day the movers arrive.


Along the way, we also have to tend to our senior dog, who doesn’t seem to be much of a fan of the busyness and hectic nature of life these days. He has his routine, and now things are somewhat disrupted, which makes him a bit anxious. If I’m honest, I’m right there with him. I know we will be happy and excited once things are settled, but in the meantime, it’s a somewhat stressful time.


But yesterday, as I was running back and forth between houses, I saw a beautiful red cardinal perched on the fence at the old place, and even as I drove up, he didn’t move or seem disturbed, but just stood tall and proud in place. It felt like a reminder in that moment that God was with me and that the Spirit will be present wherever we are to help make us feel at home.


It got me thinking about the nature of home, and what it will mean to call a new place home. Home won’t be defined by the beautiful vintage fireplace, the backyard, or the hardwood floors. It won’t be defined by the street or the address, the square footage or the HVAC system. It will be home because our engagement photo will sit on the mantle; it will be home because we will dance there; it will be home because family will sit at the dining table at Thanksgiving and celebrate God’s blessings. Home is where love lives, and what I’m most looking forward to is feeling the warmth of love in this place.


And also the first fire in the fireplace next winter.


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