This blog is meant to be a place where you can find a little respite from your daily walk. So, in the spirit of extended grace to all, we decided that the blog itself should also get a little respite from its usual weekly pace. Accordingly, weekly publication of the midweek devotional messages is on hiatus until later in the summer.
While we do plan to bring in some special guest writers later in the summer, we will first be tracking the number of readers and responses to the devotions that are currently posted. I would like to see these lovely pieces shared more often and read by more people.
So stay connected and re-read or discover some of those previous devotionals. Perhaps you might give yourself one-a-day for a while, as an easy spiritual discipline.
Then, do what everyone asks us to do these days: like and share! Perhaps you’ll share a story with a friend who might need to hear it, or who simply wants to hear from you. Better yet, share your favorites to your social media—there are tools for that right there, in the three little dots.
Or why not try writing devotionals of your own? Tell your story and tell us how it got you closer to understanding who you are and whose you are.
Send them in to Pastor Trent or Rev. Christine, and maybe you will be added to the list of new bloggers when the weekly blog post returns—in whatever form evolves after this timeout.
And even if it never sees the light of day, sharing those experiences with someone else can be a growth experience. Somehow, it makes each of you a little bit wiser. Don’t ask me how that works. It just does.
Prayer: Author of All Creation, You called the worlds into being with just one Word. And yet it takes us thousands and thousands of our hapless words even to start to tell our love for just one world. Help us listen for the story you are hoping we will hear. Amen.