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For Such a Time as This

“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this.”

–Esther 4:14


It’s hard to believe, but it’s almost stewardship season again. Our annual pledge campaign will begin in worship on April 28th, when we will introduce this year’s theme, “For Such a Time as This.” We will have the opportunity to hear from several church members over a few weeks about what this community means to them and why they give of their time and financial resources to support Friends.


I always enjoy this time of the year in our church, because every single year I am moved by the powerful testimonies of our members about all that this community means for them and their families—stories of faith renewed, hurts healed, and even lives saved. This year, as we hear these stories and consider how we will support the church in the coming fiscal year, we will be reminded of the story of Esther and her calling to serve at just the right moment in time.


Just a few weeks ago, our Jewish siblings celebrated Purim, the holiday that retells the story of Esther and the salvation of the Jewish people. Esther was a young woman who rose to become the queen of Persia, but had kept her Jewish identity a secret. When one of the king’s officials plots to destroy all the Jews of Persia, Esther intervenes, at great risk to her safety, in order to save her people. Her uncle, encouraging her to act, reminds her that she has come to her position for “just such a time as this.” Because she is there, she can act to bring salvation to her people.


While we may not be facing the same kinds of challenges as Esther, we know that our world is full of uncertainties, fears, and pain. But because we are here, because Friends Church has been called to our mission of living faithfully, loving limitlessly, and serving boldly, we can make a difference. Maybe we are here for such a time as this—to witness for justice, to serve our neighbors in need, to offer a place of welcome and hospitality, no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey. Because we are here, and because of the strong support of our members and friends, we are indeed making a difference in the lives of people. We are seeing faith deepened and lives changed, hope shared and love proclaimed, grace made real and justice embodied. I’m so looking forward to hearing these stories this year and learning how Friends Church is touching lives.


“Let the good in me connect with the good in others, until all the world is transformed through the compelling power of love.”

–Rabbi Nachman of Breslov


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