Credit: @gregisenberg
Yes, everything is for your sake, so that grace, as it extends to more and more people, may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God. So, we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day.
2 Corinthians 4:15-16
This past Sunday, it was an absolute joy to worship with you all and explore just a small portion of 2 Corinthians. Throughout this week and beyond, I hope we discover new — as well as practice tried and true ways — to extend grace to one another to help make God’s creation better now while having hope for what is eternal. And, in this brief midweek message, I want to share how that kind of grace was extended to me recently.
Last month, the student co-moderator for United Campus Ministry invited me to attend a ceremony where she was being awarded her coaching certificate. While there, I ran into someone I worked with decades ago. I always admired him for his work as a Texas A&M faculty member and his contributions to the larger community. He was, and still is, the embodiment of living a life that extends grace. He is retired now, and I asked, “How are you doing these days?”
His reply came quick and with a touch of humor: “I am doing very little, but I am doing it very well.” Everyone within earshot had a nice chuckle. I appreciated the humor, but in that statement, I also found profound sense of calm that is lacking in my life.
We are certainly called to follow Christ, extend grace and love our neighbors as ourselves. And, as a reminder, we don’t have to do that by ourselves every hour of every day. If we do, we run the risk of being in one or more of the states on the left side of the list in the image above and losing heart.
I came across the image on social media Sunday night and downloaded it to my phone. I have referenced it and shared it with others at least a half dozen times since then. It has been incredibly helpful to me, and I hope it will be for you. My prayer for us is to make time for what appears on the right side of the list, so we do not lose heart but find renewal day by day! Peace and joy to you all. Amen.