The Nurture Committee supports Church members and friends by providing care, connection and comfort.
Nurture request form: If you know someone who is in need of a caring hand and would like to submit a nurture request, click here!
Members of the Nurture Committee:
Provide meals and transportation
Call and visit those who are hospitalized or place-bound
Coordinate activities of affinity groups (Wonderful Wednesdays with Women, Guyz’ Breakfast, Fabulous at Any Age, Parents of Teens and Tweens, Parents of Young Children)
Collect prayer request cards and submit to Pastors
Send “Welcome Letters” to visitors
Send cards when Church members and friends experience celebrations and loss
Volunteer Opportunities:
Meal Team
At times of joy or crisis, food can be a comfort. Sign-up to be on a team that provides meals to Church members and friends. We use Meal Train to organize delivery. Members of this team are typically called upon once every 2-3 months.
Transportation Team
Attending and participating in Church events can be a challenge to Church members and friends without regular transportation. As a member of the Transportation Team, you can sign-up to help others attend Church activities.
Prayer Team
At each Worship Service, we offer the opportunity to submit prayers to the congregation. After the service, a member of the Prayer Team collects the prayer requests, transcribes them and submits to the Pastors to send out to the Prayer Group. This is a weekly volunteer opportunity that is shared by several so that each person might be responsible 3-4 times per year.
Outreach Team
The Nurture Committee commemorates life events of our Church members and friends by sending cards and letters. If you are gifted with the talent of writing heartfelt notes of celebration, welcome, support or comfort, sign-up for this team. All supplies are provided.
Affinity Group Coordinator
We nurture our Church community by providing opportunities to gather with others with whom we have something in common. Our affinity group activities include “Wonderful Wednesdays with Women,” “Guyz’ Breakfast,” “Parents of Teens and Tweens,” “Fabulous at Any Age” and “Parents of Young Children.” Most of the groups meet monthly, though some do not meet that often. Consider working with a group of volunteers or on your own to coordinate one of these groups.